Norman Glover, known professionally as "Vicious Ink By Norm," is a talented American artist and entrepreneur, born on December 12, 1991. His journey into the world of art began as a means of escaping a challenging upbringing and oppressive surroundings, evolving from a passion for drawing into a multifaceted artistic career. Working as a photographer and video creator, Norman showcases his creativity and skills at the renowned LowCountry Elite Tattoo Studio.
In 2021, Norman's exceptional artwork captured the attention of a growing audience through his active presence on social media. Specializing in black & grey, realism, color, and fine line tattoo styles, he continuously explores and hones his craft across various mediums. His dedication to artistic growth reflects his aspiration to create a masterpiece that transcends time, a "magnum opus" that will endure as a testament to his boundless talent and unwavering commitment to the art of tattooing.
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